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PEO Escape

For When You Outgrow Your PEO

PEO Escape

For When You Outgrow Your PEO

The PEO Escape Story

Ryan Insurance Services (RIS) and leading industry experts have joined forces to specifically create the PEO Escape program for the marketplace. As a health insurance brokerage and two-time Inc. 5000 company, RIS has seen certain companies significantly outgrow the financial merits behind having a PEO continue to co-manage their internal human resource requirements.

The teaming together of professionals at RIS with industry-leading providers in payroll, insurance and staffing is the exact combination of capabilities that these qualified companies need to actually consider the benefits of unbundling from their PEO. The PEO Escape program is the comprehensive and fully integrated process recently developed by RIS, to help companies exit from their PEO arrangements and internally manage this important area of their businesses.

Embarking on unbundling from their PEO can be a very daunting task for companies to contemplate. It requires that the company’s management team relies heavily upon the type of experience and expertise which resides within the team at RIS. Feeling confident that certain size companies had reached the point of being ready to transition away from their PEOs and save significant amounts of money, RIS proved this concept by successfully assisting several organizations to migrate from their existing PEOs. We call this migration PEO Escape.

Our pledge is to be there for our clients during the transition period and on an ongoing basis, allowing them to retain their independence once the transition has been completed.

PEO Escape

Get the Facts

Want to know more?

In this robust white paper titled The Devil is in the Details, we outline the unforeseen challenges that come with engaging a PEO and what you can do to ensure you make the most-informed decision for your business.

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